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Joint Exam FM/2

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General Information
  • Register online here

  • General description

  • Length of exam

  • Format

  • Seasons offered

  • Current locations

  • UF prep classes

  • Study Group information

Study Materials

  • Textbooks / Study manuals to purchase

  • Seminars / Online Classes              

  • Free problems

  • Free samples

Tips for Passing


Exam FM/2 - Financial Mathematics

  • Register to take the exam here

  • General description:  covers interest theory and introductory financial mathematics

  • Length:  3 hours; 35 Questions

  • Format:  Computer-based

  • Dates offered:  February, April, June, August, October, December

  • Current locations:  Currently, the CBT (computer-based tests) are offered in Gainesville (among many other places)

  •  UF Prep Classes:  Theory of Interest (STA-4183) and/or Finance (FIN-3403)*

  • FASS recommended study manuals/exam seminars: ASM, The Infinite Actuary

    • *Theory of Interest should contain a majority of the material you will need for Exam FM/2 (except for Derivatives), but it is only offered odd Fall years.  If you cannot take it before Exam FM/2, then it is recommended that you try to at least take Finance to get some background on the time value of money.  Finance will not prepare you for the exam like Theory of Interest, but it will at least give you some type of reference point to help you begin studying.

Study Group Information:

Fall 2012 - email Boyang at b.meng@ufl.edu

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Study Materials for Exam FM/2

Textbooks / Study Manuals to purchase:

Seminars / Online Courses:

Free Materials:

Free Problems:

                (link here)
           (link here)

Free Samples:

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Tips for Passing

Have you already taken an exam?  Whether you passed or not, other students would love to hear about your experience.  It is an intimidating process and the more you know about it, the better off you are.  Share your thoughts, feelings, experience, advice, and anything else you have to say about the exams on this page.  Just fill out this form and email to the President (alexamertens@gmail.com) to get it posted on here.

Useful Links:

Future Fellows - June 2001 - The Secret to Passing Exams (http://www.casact.org/newsletter/index.cfm?fa=viewart&id=4264)

Preparing for the Exam (http://casact.org/admissions/futfell/mar00/prepare.htm)

CAS: 2007 Syllabus of Basic Education: Hints on Study and Exam Techniques (http://www.casact.org/admissions/syllabus/index.cfm?fa=hints)

FM/2 February 2012

Class: Sophomore
Did You Take a Prep Class at UF? STA 4183
What Study Materials Did You Use? Actex Manual, The Infinite Actuary Practice Exams
Did You Pass? Yes


I would say that most of my studying for this exam was during the STA 4183 class, with a little bit of extra studying/reviewing after the class got out in preparation for the exam. Pay extra attention in STA 4183 because you are going to see a lot of these concepts again when studying for FM/2. I studied with the Actex manual and thought it did a good job of preparing me, but I have heard great things about the ASM manuals so I likely will try those for my next exam. The Infinite Actuary's practice exams were very difficult, but I learned a lot missing those problems because they came with video solutions. I watched the solutions over and over until I felt like I could do most of the problems on the practice exams, and I believe that this helped me tremendously. To conclude, I would recommend taking a course at UF if possible, buying/renting/borrowing a study guide (probably ASM), and spending a little on The Infinite Actuary's exams in order to protect yourself from failing. You don't want to have to take these exams multiple times if you can avoid it.


FM/2 February 2012

Class: Junior
Did You Take a Prep Class at UF? STA4183, FIN3403
What Study Materials Did You Use? ASM Study Manual, Kellison Theory of Interest
Did You Pass? Yes


The ASM study manual was certainly the most effective study manual.  STA4183 did a good job in introducing the concepts, however it was easy compared to the difficulty in the actual FM exam.  The ASM was the best way to study for the exam.  I did almost every problem at the end of each section and did every practice exam question until I knew how to do every single one.


FM/2 February 2012

Class: Junior
Did You Take a Prep Class at UF? FIN 3403, STA 4183
What Study Materials Did You Use?  ASM Manual, The Infinite Actuary, ADAPT, SOA Practice Questions
Did You Pass? Yes

Comments: The ASM manual was, in my opinion, the best resource for this exam. Although I didn't do most of the problems in it, I did read it and do all the practice exams, and I thought they were very helpful. The Infinite Actuary was good too. It had (what I consider) an ample number of practice problems, and the sample exams were very good, although they can be bought separately without buying the seminar. The online lectures were useful too. If I could have done things differently, I would have done a lot more problems from ASM, and relied less on TIA. Still, I don't think you can go wrong with either, as long as you're willing to put the effort in. STA 4183 was helpful, although perhaps a little on the easy side with the teacher we had. Like exam P, the class helped me with the pacing of learning the material, as I waited until we covered a topic in class before I covered the topic in the manual/seminar. My 2-day ADAPT subscription was a great resource to use right before the test, and helped me gain confidence going in. The SOA practice questions were helpful too, although the interest theory part was a little on the easy side. The SOA derivatives questions were pretty difficult though, and are great for preparing for that section of the test.


FM/2 February 2012

Class: Senior
Did You Take a Prep Class at UF? STA4183 and FIN3403
What Study Materials Did You Use? ASM, SOA Practice Problems, 2 Infinite Actuary Practice Exams, and ADAPT
Did You Pass? Yes


I felt very prepared for taking FM.  Unlike P, I was aware of how much time I needed to study and had found more resources.  The ASM manual was very helpful as it had a lot of practice problems after each sections as well as practice exams at the end.  STA4183 was also a great background for the exam and I would highly recommend taking that class when it comes around again.


FM/2 February 2011

Class: Junior
Did You Take a Prep Class at UF? FIN3403
What Study Materials Did You Use? ASM, SOA Practice Problems, and 2 Infinite Actuary Practice Exams ($20)
Did You Pass? Yes


Since I wasn't able to take STA4183 before taking FM, I relied mostly on self-studying for this exam, though FIN3403 was very useful in introducing me to the basic fundamentals of Time Value of Money, Annuities, and Bonds. I started studying about 2 months in advance and went through all the ASM chapters, which I felt prepared me well. I took the last 2 weeks or so to focus on practice exams (I did the 5 practice exams in the ASM manual, the SOA practice problems, and I paid for 2 TIA practice exams online). All in all, I felt comfortable with most of the problems on the actual exam, though there were a few tricky ones that caught me off guard. If I could do something differently, I would have spent a bit more time on practice exams, as two weeks was sufficient but certainly not ideal.


FM/2 November 2007



Rating of Study Materials



Theory of Interest Edition 2 textbook (Kellison) - 8

Actex Exam FM Study Material - 8

Did You Take a Prep Class at UF?

STA-4183 (Fall 2007)

How do you think you did on the Exam? (10 being "aced it")

6, I think I nailed everything but derivative markets, which I did not study at all.  But only 9 of the 30 questions were on derivatives

Alan's Notes on Exam: 

Straightforward Financial Math except for derivative markets.  Except for derivative markets, of which the only things that came up were puts and calls, If you can do time value of money and annuities and a little math, It�s very passable.

What would I do differently?  Study derivative markets.




Rating of Study Materials


Grad Student

Mathematics of Investment and Credit textbook - 4 not so helpful to learn the material, problems not indicative of exam questions

Derivatives Markets textbook - 6 helpful, but problems not the greatest

ASM FM 6th Edition - 10 This is the best study manual for FM in my biased opinion, excellent explanations and tons of questions

Old Actex FM DVD - 5 Useful but didn't have a lot of the syllabus material since it was older

BPP Practice Tests - 7 Though I only did 1 of the 2 exams, it was helpful, made me realize I forgot to learn swaps and a few other derivative concepts

The Infinite Actuary Practice Tests with video solutions - 10 EXCELLENT, the exam quality was great AND the video solutions helped me learn different ways to solve the questions.  James Washer is excellent at explaining this material, I didn't take his online seminar but I would recommend it since his 2 exams alone were very helpful.

Did You Take a Prep Class at UF?

FIN-3403 (Spring 2006) the helpful part was I learned bonds have semi-annual coupons

How do you think you did on the Exam? (10 being "aced it")

9 � The day before I thought I hadn�t prepared well but during and after the exam I feel very strongly about the exam.   I�m 99% sure I passed.  So overall I would recommend the ASM study manual by Cherry and Gorvett and The Infinite Actuary or at least their practice exams.  They also had video solutions to the Derivatives released practice questions which was helpful to have them explained.

Christine's Notes on Exam: 

I thought it was very fair.  Easier than the ASM and TIA practice tests, which is good because I got a lot of practice with hard exam questions and the exam seeming easier is always a plus in my opinion.

Another cool thing to do is to look at the message boards actuarialoutpost.com and actuary.com both have them.  If you ever have questions on material or want to see what people thought of prior exams this is an excellent source.  Oh, problems are definitely key to the exam.  I completed probably about 400-500 questions in my 111 hours of studying and that really really helped me.  Also I made flash cards while reading Mathematics of Investment and Credit and Derivatives Markets which were helpful when I was waiting at places I could drill on the concepts.  For FM it is important to know the concepts.  Especially with regards to methods of risk management and how to transfer risk.  There were several questions that tested your general knowledge of reading Derivatives Markets.    Also know how to construct the different types of options and why you would use them, that is pretty important. 

What would I do differently?  Should�ve spent a little more time on swaps, cost of carry, and a couple other later topics.  I wasn�t tested but I hear some of that stuff was on the other exam forms.




Rating of Study Materials



Derivatives Markets textbook - 8

BPP Study Program (lectures, textbook, practice exams, Q&A book) - 8

Did You Take a Prep Class at UF?

STA-4183 (Fall 2007)

How do you think you did on the Exam? (10 being "aced it")


Corey's Notes on Exam: 

Wasn�t too bad, but more derivatives material than expected.

What would I do differently?  Started studying earlier.




Rating of Study Materials



Theory of Interest (Kellison) textbook - 5 I don't think it's too good for your only textbook, but it was a good supplement.  It's also the book we are using for STA-4183, but I didn't use it too much to prepare for the exam.

Derivatives Markets textbook - 10 If you want to understand the derivatives material, this book is a must!  A forewarning though, there are NO solutions in this book (not even just the number answer without explanation).  You must buy a solutions manual for it.

A Deeper Understanding, Faster Calculation-- Exam FM Shortcuts and Insights (Guo) - 9 This book gives full solutions to every syllabus-related problem in the Derivatives Markets book.  There is also a section in this book that goes over every syllabus-related section of the Derivatives book...that was very helpful!  I did not get much out of the earlier section of the book that goes over the old material...it was very hard to follow.  There are a lot of grammar mistakes, but I liked the Derivative explanations.

BPP Lectures and textbook - 9 The textbook is great for the old material and the lectures are really helpful to watch after reading the Derivatives Markets book.

BPP Practice Tests - 10 From what I remember, the actual exam was very similar to these practice tests

Did You Take a Prep Class at UF?

STA-4183 (Fall 2007)

FIN-3403 (Spring 2007) - taught me how to use a financial calculator

How do you think you did on the Exam? (10 being "aced it")

7- I would be really surprised if I didn't pass...but I guess you never really know until the results are released

Emily's Notes on Exam: 

This was my second time taking it and I feel really good about it this time.  Last time, I didn't have a good understanding of Derivatives and I didn't have a lot of the concepts down...I was hoping to be able to just solve problems, but FM is not like that.  The derivative questions were not too in depth.  I knew how to do a lot more than what was asked of me on the test.  The way I learned that material was to read Derivatives Markets, talk about the material with my study partner, read Guo's explanation of the section, watch the BPP lecture on that material, and repeat as necessary.  I also had to make note cards for the new material.  That was my biggest struggle...I had a good understanding of the old material, but I was nervous about the new stuff.  About a week before the exam, it all clicked and I became the Derivatives master!!...or something.  ;O)

What would I do differently?  I always wish I would've studied earlier and smarter.  In retrospect, you always see how you shoul